"To Be or Not to Be MRD Negative - That is the Question"
The 4th Annual Davidoff Hematology Conference: Hematolgoy 2020, will focus on the latest developments and findings in the field
The 4th Annual Davidoff Hematology Conference: Hematolgoy 2020
"To Be or Not to Be MRD Negative - That is the Question"
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the The 4th Annual Davidoff Hematology Conference: Hematolgoy 2020 - To Be or Not to Be MRD Negative – That is the Question meeting, taking place on February 27th, 2020 at the Dan Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. This meeting is the 4th annual international meeting organized by the Institute of Hematology, Davidoff Cancer Center, Rabin Medical Center under the auspices of the Israeli Society of Hematology, the Tel Aviv University, and the Davidoff Foundation.
The conference will focus on the latest developments and findings in the field, while taking into consideration also the controversial issues we are still facing. It will direct the theoretical as well as the practical topics in the field, such as: what is MRD? How to assess MRD? What is the meaning and application of MRD achievement? And other contemporary issues in the field.
Faculty speakers include KOLs from both sides of the Atlantic and from Israel.
The meeting welcomes hematology, oncology, internal medicine, infectious diseases and other professionals including clinicians, nurses, paramedics, researchers, industry professionals, as well as other treatment experts.