Prof. Amos Toren

T-CARs for patients with relapse/refractory ALL. This innovative treatment has been performed in only a few centers in the USA and was successfully given to several patients. Pediatric brain tumors and neuroblastoma studies in the lab including pathogenesis, innovative therapies, discovery of new molecular aberrations, new biomarkers, new therapeutic targets, the effect of new drugs on cell lines, primary cells and xenografts, studying the influence of changes in the levels of non-coding RNA's (mirs and link-RNA) on the tumor. Improvement of the activity of cytokine induced killer cells stemming from alfa/beta depleted T cells left over after haploidentical transplantations. Studying the effects of phytocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and endocannabinoid-like substances on pediatric glioblastomas and neuroblastoma.
Main research areas:
1.T-CARS therapy for relapsed/resistant CD19 expressing leukemias and lymphomas
2. The effects of cannabinoids on pediatric tumors
3. Cytokine induced killer cells against pediatric tumors
4. Pediatric brain tumors research

Contact info:

Amos Toren MD
Sheba Medical Center





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