It's a wrap for the Cancer Biology Research Center (CBRC) 2023!

On behalf of the CBRC committee members, I would like to thank all the participants and guests for choosing to take an active part in this important conference and contribute their own invaluable expertise

The 19th Biennial Cancer Biology Research Center Meeting

I would like to thank all the Speakers, Session Chairs, Sponsors and Exhibitors, Service Providers, and Participants that contributed to making the 19th CBRC Biennial Conference a huge success!


The exciting program put together by the dedicated CBRC scientific committee combined fantastic talks by 47 TAU leading scientists and physicians, 3 outstanding plenary presentations by renowned scientists from abroad, 2 of the Industry's and Patient's Perspectives, and 20 amazing flash talks presented by TAU students.


In addition, a new panel in the form of a "clinical tumor board" initiated a fascinating discussion bridging the basic science with the clinical approach to some of the most burning issues in cancer diagnosis and treatment.


See link to the meeting program and abstracts >>


All the presentations were followed by Q&A, comments & discussions, which continued during the breaks, over dinner, and during the social events.


Indeed, it was a unique opportunity after 5 years to meet face to face, share our latest research findings, and lay the foundations for new collaborations. Such meetings have an important role in advancing innovative ideas and approaches to understanding and fighting these devastating diseases.


We are grateful to our generous sponsors & supporters who contributed to this meeting, to @Galilion Hotel's amazing hospitality, to the wonderful photographer Yael Zur, and to the Kaleidoscope production team for their excellent professional organization.


On behalf of the CBRC committee members, I would like to thank all the participants and guests for choosing to take an active part in this important conference and contribute their own invaluable expertise.

Congratulations to all the Posters and Flash Talks Prize winners!


You’re welcome to see our best moments from the CBRC 2023! >>  


CBRC 2023 pictures >>




Looking forward to seeing you all at the next CBRC meeting in 2025!


Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro

Director, Cancer Biology Research Center, 

Tel Aviv University

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