Prof. Shai Izraeli

Prof. Shai Izraeli is the director of the Hematology-Oncology Department at Schneider Children’s Medical Center, and a senior lecturer in pediatrics, hematology, oncology and genetics at Tel Aviv University.
Major research interest on the molecular biology of childhood leukemia. Author of over 80 peer reviewed publications.
Basic and Translational and Research of Childhood Malignancies and Leukemia. We focus on patient-driven basic research into the pathogenesis of childhood leukemia and cancer. We harness advanced molecular and cellular biology technologies utilizing in-vitro and in-vivo models with the ultimate goal of improving the care of children with cancer.

Our research is divided into three major topics:

  • Basic, translational and clinical research of leukemia.
  • ​The role of SIL (STIL) protein in mitosis, centrosomal biology and cancer.
  • Cancer predisposition syndromes


Contact info:
Prof. Shai Izraeli, MD
Schneider Children's Medical Center






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