Prof. Adit Ben-Baruch

Prof. Ben-Baruch lab aims at providing a personalized approach to breast cancer research, based on the understanding of the interactions taking place at the tumor microenvironment. To this end, the lab focuses mainly on the inflammatory/immune milieu of breast tumors, the way it impacts on metastasis-promoting activities in different subtypes of disease and its reciprocal interactions with stromal components. We use an integrative research program, progressing from molecular mechanisms that promote metastasis, through high-resolution analyses of tumor cells and animal model systems, to validation of key findings at the patient level by using patient datasets and biopsies. 


Prof. Ben-Baruch was the Head of the Cancer Biology Research Center at Tel Aviv University from 2006 to 2010, and was then appointed Head of the Ela Kodesz Institute for Research on Cancer Development and Prevention. From 2013-2017 she acted as Head of the Department of Cell Research and Immunology at the Faculty of Life Sciences, and in 2016 she was nominated Incumbent of The Miriam Libech Chair for Cell Research and Disease at Tel Aviv University


Cotoact Information:

Prof. Adit Ben Baruch PhD

Cell research and Immunology Department,

The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research

The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences






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