Immunotherapy is a new modality which has revolutionized the treatment of cancer for multiple types of tumors. However, breast cancer has shown only modest benefit from immunomodulatory therapies, if at al. This is principally due to tumor escape mechanisms. We have only limited understanding of these mechanisms. Our focus on translational research aims to better understand these resistant mechanisms, broaden current clinical applications and overcome some of these unsolved issues.
The research laboratory is located within the campus of the Rabin Medical Center, thereby enabling us to benefit from a fruitful multidisciplinary collaboration with the oncology and, surgery and pathology institutes and facilitating access to patient tissues and blood specimens. This advantage allows us to perform in-vitro, in-vivo and ex-vivo experiments that more closely mimic clinical conditions of breast cancer.
Our specific goals are:
- Elucidation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress molecular drivers in the breast cancer metastatic cascade to reveal new biomarkers for clinical translation.
- Discovery and study of a novel tumor escape mechanism and its reversal by a peptide which binds to CD45 receptor, an unconventional immunotherapy target.
Contact Information:
Annat Raiter PhD
Felsenstein Medical Research Center
Tel Aviv University, School of Medicine
Rabin Medical Center